

The Confederation (NCBISU) was formed on 01.05.1980 (MAY DAY) at Hindu Maha Sabha Bhavan New Delhi under the chairmanship of Com. Y.K.Arora then Organising Secretary NCBE and architect of Uttar Pradesh Unit which was formed on 1st May 1971. The representatives from Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Chandigarh and Delhi participated in the Inaugural Conference. The main objective to form this Confederation was to fight out tyranny and oppression let loose by AIBEA federation in our Bank. It was the total connivance of AIBEA federation from top to bottom to crush our brave companions who are today the mightiest pillars of this Confederation which today command a unique symbol of heroic struggle and sacrifices for the cause of our associates / members. Com. S.N. Duber General Secretary State Bank of India Staff Association & National Confederation of Bank Employees inaugurated the first conference. Com. Y.K. Arora was elected as President and Com. R.K. Ramgarhia as General Secretary of the Confederation.
         The Confederation’s Motto is to follow the Aims and Objects:-

  • To foster a spirit of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance amongst the employees of Bank Of India and to establish a close relationship between the Unions and the Employees of the Bank.
  • To organize and unite all employees of the Bank into various Unions and to regulate their relations with their employers. To cooperate with other organizations having similar aims and objects.
  • To secure improvement of status and service conditions of the employees of the Bank consistent with the development and economic progress achieved by the Industry and Amelioration of economic status and improvement of social and cultural position of the Employees of the Bank.
  • To coordinate the activities of the unions that may be affiliated to it and endeavor to settle by all means amicably disputes existing between the members of its state affiliates.
  • To assist employees of the Bank to form Unions as well as to take such measures that may be necessary, incidental and or conclusive to the attainment of the above Aims and Objects.
  • This organization is non-political body and will draw its guidance and inspiration from the members who form the intellectual core of representatives chosen by them from time to time.
  • The Organization has unshakable faith in the purities of means for achieving all ends.
  • The main plank of the organization is to secure the redress of genuine grievances of the members of the organization and held them to secure justice at all costs.
  • The Organization will not be influenced or propelled by any outer agency and would work strictly according to its own genius and programme. The Organization would under all circumstances uphold the interest and aspiration of its members in a determined way.

                 The Confederation saw many ups and downs since its formation.  Many units from Maharashtra also joined the Confederation. Due to political scenario these units could not continue their affiliation. The Confederation is having 11 units viz Punjab, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Vidharbha, Karnatka and Tamil Nadu covering 18 States and 34 Zones of the Bank and also having coordination with BANK OF INDIA KARAMCHARI SENA, MUMBAI in Maharashtra State thus having significant membership spread throughout the country from Kashmir to Kanya Kumari and from Bengal to Gujarat.

                The Confederation completed 25 years of its existence on 01.05.2005 and to celebrate the “SILVER JUBILEE” occasion Central Committee Meeting was held at Jalandhar, which was largely attended. The Punjab Unit for his contribution in serving for the cause of Bank Employees felicitated Com. Y.K.Arora General Secretary of the Confederation.  Com. Y.K.Arora is leading the Confederation as a guiding star since the formation of the Confederation. Com. Y.K.Arora also served for years in the capacity of Vice President and Member Negotiating Committee of NCBE and presently he is Convener of UFBU U.P. state and also Special Invitee to the National Executive Committee of NCBE .The Confederation also held six Conferences since its formation.


1st  Conference 01.05.1980 New Delhi
2nd  Conference 05.08.1985 Kanpur
3rd  Conference 03.04.1987 Kollkata
4th  Conference 14.06.1992 Jabalpur
5th   Conference 15.08.1999 Chennai
6th  Conference 15.08.2007 &16.08.2007 Chennai


1st  Conference 01.05.1980 New Delhi
2nd  Conference 05.08.1985 Kanpur
3rd  Conference 03.04.1987 Kollkata
4th  Conference 14.06.1992 Jabalpur
5th   Conference 15.08.1999 Chennai
6th  Conference 15.08.2007 &16.08.2007 Chennai

            Com. K.K. Khosla was elected as President and Com. Y.K. Arora as General Secretary of the Confederation in the 6th Conference held at Chennai. Com. K.K. Khosla is also the Vice President and Member Negotiating Committee of NCBE.
